• 16-17-18 December 2021
  • Halls:8,9,10,11 & 12 Pragati Maidan,Delhi

3 Reasons why Built-to-Suit (BTS) warehouses will get more popular

A built-to-suit (BTS) warehouse is a facility designed and constructed specially for certain users to accommodate their business. These bespoke built-to-suit properties are very popular among entrepreneurs whose demands concerning warehouse space are specific.

The construction and design requirements are shared at the outset by the leaser, which after agreement, start getting constructed, as per the specifications of the business firm and the BTS agreement signed at the outset. Furthermore, customised design is created according to client’s wishes using resources and expertise of developers.

Additionally, this makes it possible for features like flexibility that specific businesses require to cope up with logistical challenges and bottlenecks amid the booming e-commerce logistics and warehousing demand.

Key reasons for choosing BTS properties are:

  1. 1. Location is one of the important reasons for popularity of BTS warehouses- Facilities can be developed within the developer’s land or the client’s real estate. The most advanced formula of BTS are projects executed based on the purchase of land, which is accepted by the client in terms of conducting business activity
  2. 2. Size of the property plays another critical role, which totally depends on the client’s operating needs
  3. 3. Purpose of industrial facility– Warehouse-sorting plant, light production & heavy production, which takes place on the real estate that is to be the object of the investment.

The possibility of choosing the right location is a huge attraction for the tenant and often it is the most important element for choosing BTS properties.

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